How to Transform Your Room

I can’t wait to change my room from the big mess it is (pictures to come in a future)! Here are some ways that you can completely transform your room! 

  1. Change the color– You can easily change the whole essence of the room with the color. I have made the mistake of painting my small room a dark pink color. Try a light color for your room to brighten up the atmosphere. 
  2. Move the furniture– By moving certain furniture in different ways, your room looks completely different. Trust me. 
  3. Don’t clutter I’ve seen a lot of cluttered rooms on tumblr. They make it look nice in pictures where everything is crowded, and there’s pictures everywhere. To some extent this is what I mean, but hey I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this style.                                                                                  tumblr_n81pl1ocUk1rv56l6o3_500 
  4. Have a theme– Try whatever you are comfortable with whether it’s a fashion bedroom, hipster bedroom, geometric bedroom etc., make it you! Here are some designer bedroom ideas to get inspiration from or try the Teen Vogue website for further ideas.
  5. Never change if you don’t want to– I had people tell me my room was “babyish” or “somewhere that crazy people would live in”. No one knows you better than you so don’t conform! 
  6. Decorations– The key is not going over the top. Here are so affordable ideas to try: 
  • Lights- They literally light up the room, and they’re oh so pretty. 
  • Collage Wall- Instead of putting pictures all over the room, try sectioning the collage to one part of the room. 
  • Wall Art/Murals- Stick to one large sized one to fill up a bigger room or a bunch of little ones (but not too many) on a smaller wall. 
  • Clothing racks/Mannequin- A must have for any fashionista out there. 
  • Pictures- Show your personality and your friends through your room! 

all-white-bedroom-tumblr-1z8v6tsa bedroom-stunning-blue-kids-bedroom-design-with-cool-white-bed-and-cabinet-on-blue-rug-beautiful-bedrooms-tumblr-776x582 tumblr_n1spc6UgnM1sfxmawo1_500 tumblr_n81pl1ocUk1rv56l6o4_500

I have to say my taste has definitely matured. I really enjoy looking at white rooms that have a pop of color here and there. For my room I plan on painting it white, creating a collage on the side wall, and hanging pink lights on the larger wall near my bed. If you could start your bedroom from scratch, what would you do to it? 

– Zoe


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