Tag Archives: fashion

What Would Blair Waldorf Do?



Recently I have come across some posts on the lovely Blair Waldorf from the show about Manhattan’s elites, Gossip Girl. Blair’s character, although fictional, is very dimensional. From the beginning I received the impression of a bratty wealthy school girl and all the usual stereotypes that come along with that title. At first I was a Serena Van der Woodsen, but after watching all seasons, I have switched over to Blair.

Although Blair may seem annoying, viewers can easily acknowledge and see her character development. First of all, she has no perfect life. She spends most of her time with her maid because her mother is working, has a father who turned out to be gay and left, and lives in her best friend’s shadow. Always a girl of drive and ambition, she knew what she wanted. Everything she wanted, she got with her own hard work. Her ambition for Yale, even though it ended, was her strive for success. She’s not dumb either since all those mastermind plans of hers never go wrong (at least most of the time). She aced her S.A.T.s (which I have to take this weekend) and to be honest is a very all around girl. One of the things I admired about her was her attention to detail and approaching perfection. She went through many moments that I could personally relate to myself.

She would never leave her penthouse without dressing appropriately and wearing minimal makeup (which makes her such a natural face). This is a lesson to take girls. Rather than leaving and having someone say, “you look sick” why not wake up five minutes earlier and pick out a nice outfit before. I’m not saying wear makeup or dress all grown up. Blair pulls off the simplest of outfits and just a bare face when she wants to. In life situations or in fashion dilemmas, I always ask myself, “What would Blair Waldorf do?”

Here are so of her awesome fashion moments + her essentials

  • Headbands- Her headbands were a thing in the past. They were he teenage year, but as she aged, she lived without them. Something like this bow headband is classic and preppy.
  • Evening Dresses- When you’re the daughter of a major designer, you are going to major events. Try going out and enjoy yourself by dressing up! Another reason I love Blair is because she dresses CLASSY instead of TRASHY.
  • The School Uniform- Dress up in plaids or even chiffon tops tucked underneath some skirts with a cute blazer!
  • Lip Colors- Go for a lip color like the Revlon Color Stay Lip Butter. The reasons I love these lip balm stains is because they are super moisturizing but they don’t have major color so they are good for teens and young adults who don’t want full on color! Blair often sports a colorful lip so she doesn’t have to wear too much eye makeup.
  • Trendy Pieces- She often has these unique pieces (kind of like pieces of artwork). Also since she lives in New York, she is sees the trends as they come out.
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What do you think of B?



Ulzzang Essentials

Ulzzang is a South Korean term meaning “pretty face” and is the current trend in Asian countries. I recently admired this dolly, innocent look of Koreans. From the makeup to the fashion, everything is the definition of girly. Here are some essentials to achieve the ulzzang look.



1. BB Cream– creates a dewey finish with natural coverage (you don’t even need a powder with this compact bb cream)

2. Basic Eyeshadows– This trio includes a light brown shadow for the lid, dark brown shadow for the crease, and champagne color for the inner corners. Also you can use the dark brown to create straight brows!

3. Eyeliner- Create a clean cut look with liquid eyeliner or a more natural look with brown kohl liner.

4. Natural Blush– creates a natural life to the face

5. Lengthening Mascara– go for a mascara that has a thin brush to coat individual lashes

6. Lippies- Go for something like a pink (in Cherish) or orange (in Rendezvous) lip balm stain or try a bright pink in the center of the lips to create an illusion of bigger, fuller lips.


My go-to Ulzzang favorites would be Song Ah Ri and Park Sora (but I still love looking at other Ulzzang models/fashionistas for inspiration as well).

There’s many different types of styles:

  • Denim Look
  • “Bad A$$ Look”- add some edge with a snapback, a graphic tee, and some denim shorts
  • Classy- trench coats, classic attire (frilly blouses, simple pencil skirts), and heels
  • LBD- shall I say more?
  • Girly- dresses, peter pan collars, skater skirts, floral, and pastels
  • Preppy- plaid dressed with skirts or oversized sweaters

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Which look do you like the most?


A Rewind of the Past

Recently the 1990’s have been making a comeback. What are some of the latest trends so far?

  • Overalls- I have caved to the trend of overalls and purchased a pair the other day. They always reminded me of farmers for some reason but they come in such cute patterns.
  • Plaid/Flannel- It’s been more common to rock the “homeless look”. Love me some nice and comfy flannels because they can actually be dressed by adding statement necklaces or dressed down by wearing a solid tank.
  • Chokers- Ok everyone in my school has been getting these Brandy Melville chokers. Personally I’m scared to have things that are too tight around my neck because it’s just a fear of mine to get choked to death.. I think chokers in the nineties were called tattoo chokers.
  • Denim- I guess denim will always be a part of timeless fashion. I love it too much to actually let it go.
  • Big Sweaters- What’s better than chilling in a comfy blanket you are wearing (nothing!). Great for fall/approaching winter.
  • The Grunge Look- check out Michelle Phan’s video on Grunge makeup 🙂
  • Layers- It has to all fit together like wonderful sandwich (that was a terrible comparison)

What’s your favorite nineties fashion moment?


Trend Alert: The Gap

I’ve actually been obsessed with “trends” lately, whether I like them or not. A lot of models and celebrities these days have been showing pride their gap between their teeth. I’ve seen them in ads like Rimmel and Guess. What do you think is it a flaw or an asset? I admire that they want to keep it because it seems to be an awesome statement. I had a very small gap between my teeth when I was little and wanted to get rid of it badly. People told me I looked weird and ugly. Oh well gaps between my front teeth aren’t me. The gap on other people seem to give an element of sexiness and sultriness. Haha definitely not me. 

I even watched an episode of America’s Next Top Model when models were getting their teeth “fixed”, and a girl was hysterically crying about not wanting her gap to be closed. I never knew how much her gap defined her. Nowadays a lot of companies are embracing the gap as something beautiful. Apparently in France, a gap between the teeth is considered lucky. Some are subtle but others are more noticeable. I say that we as people should embrace our faults. Don’t change because someone tells you to. Be yourself. You are beautiful. 



Trend Alert: Transparent Clutches

I’m extremely envious of the people going to New York Fashion Week. One of the trends I ran across throughout the past year have been the transparent clutches. When roaming through my Instagram, I saw a picture of Kristina Bazan post a picture of her clear tote. I suddenly recalled when I first saw transparent clutches. To be honest I’m not a big fan only because I don’t want people seeing my business! The clutch is such an invasion of privacy.

I love the print on the bag. It’s not overly transparent but is just the right amount. I actually wouldn’t mind sporting this bag.

I admit the looks can be very high fashion, but they are great to look at. The pictures below show what I mean.

IMG_8987.JPG I admire the coordination of the things in the clear clutch since she is wearing a black sweater and all the items are black too.


LOVE her adorable bunny phone case and her light and sheer pastel dress. Super chic.


What is your opinion on this trend?


Disclaimer: none of these pictures belong to me

Trend Alert: Body Chain

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I am completely obsessed with this trend, and I actually diy-ed it (video to come up soon!). I always wanted one but I didn’t want to spend twenty dollars/buy one from online. With just a chain and jump rings, a body chain can be made like that. I was actually surprised about how easy the body chain was to make although I must say, it is a huge hassle to put on.

Body chains completely make an outfit because they add that extra “sparkle” to an outfit. They look great in solid tops and create a nice silhouette to your body. I’m already tired of generic necklaces because this one is completely different. I feel like I can rule the world with this on. Body chains actually make me feel so fashionable (haha). I advise you to get one while they’re still hot in trends. They’re so easy to style (trust me), and it looks like you tried. 

This is definitely one of my favorite trends out there so far because it’s not too overtop but still says “I’m fashionable”.

What are your opinions on body chains?


How to Transform Your Room

I can’t wait to change my room from the big mess it is (pictures to come in a future)! Here are some ways that you can completely transform your room! 

  1. Change the color– You can easily change the whole essence of the room with the color. I have made the mistake of painting my small room a dark pink color. Try a light color for your room to brighten up the atmosphere. 
  2. Move the furniture– By moving certain furniture in different ways, your room looks completely different. Trust me. 
  3. Don’t clutter I’ve seen a lot of cluttered rooms on tumblr. They make it look nice in pictures where everything is crowded, and there’s pictures everywhere. To some extent this is what I mean, but hey I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this style.                                                                                  tumblr_n81pl1ocUk1rv56l6o3_500 
  4. Have a theme– Try whatever you are comfortable with whether it’s a fashion bedroom, hipster bedroom, geometric bedroom etc., make it you! Here are some designer bedroom ideas to get inspiration from or try the Teen Vogue website for further ideas.
  5. Never change if you don’t want to– I had people tell me my room was “babyish” or “somewhere that crazy people would live in”. No one knows you better than you so don’t conform! 
  6. Decorations– The key is not going over the top. Here are so affordable ideas to try: 
  • Lights- They literally light up the room, and they’re oh so pretty. 
  • Collage Wall- Instead of putting pictures all over the room, try sectioning the collage to one part of the room. 
  • Wall Art/Murals- Stick to one large sized one to fill up a bigger room or a bunch of little ones (but not too many) on a smaller wall. 
  • Clothing racks/Mannequin- A must have for any fashionista out there. 
  • Pictures- Show your personality and your friends through your room! 

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I have to say my taste has definitely matured. I really enjoy looking at white rooms that have a pop of color here and there. For my room I plan on painting it white, creating a collage on the side wall, and hanging pink lights on the larger wall near my bed. If you could start your bedroom from scratch, what would you do to it? 

– Zoe


The Preppy Girl


What does preppy mean to you? Well to me, preppy is the “school girl look” without the sexy connotation to it. I have been loving this preppy style recently because the look can be dressed up or down. So what are some essentials that come with the preppy look? 

1. Colors- Usually preppy colors will be black, blue, gray, and white. These colors are standard and can look very chic when placed together.

2. “Fancy Shorts”- I’m not entirely sure on materials and fabrics but if you go ahead and try to find something that is not a jean material but almost a wool texture, you’re good. They’re great with really fancy tops.

3. Collared Shirts- Anything collared is already very preppy. A collared top that is nice and fitted looks amazing on anyone. With so many types to choose from, I’d wear them all my life if I could. There’s solid colors, patterns, and even ones with studs on the collars! 

4. Messenger Bag- Something like the picture above where a working girl/student can place her books and files in and still look fashionable. 

5. Pleated Skirt- A pleated skirt is just a regular skirt but with indents in the fabric so the skirt kind of resembles a cupcake liner. What?! That’s the only way I can describe it! I love tucking collared shirts underneath these pleated skirts.

6. Glasses- Make a statement and wear some big frame glasses. I got mine from Forever 21, and they are super adorable. I can’t wear big frames even though I have glasses because my vision is SO BAD that the lens would be to heavy (*sighs).

7. Silver Jewelry- I’ve seen a lot of girls rock silver statement jewelry over their collared shirts. SEE I’M TELLING YOU COLLARED SHIRTS ARE SO EASY TO WEAR. Silver just goes really well with these standard colors. 

8. Knee High Socks- Hey you can take really tumblr-ly pictures with them over white sheets. I love them because they keep my legs warmer if I ever want to wear skirts in colder weather. 

9. Plaid- Very simple plaid with dark purples or greens can be great for preppy looks. 

10. Boots- Go for black boots because they go with everything and look very classic! Try the military style boots to go with your outfits. 


Affordable Fashion

There are all these different stores in the mall, and I go to mmm… about five. So here are my five favorite stores (in no particular order): 

1. Forever 21– I never approached the store as an awkward twelve-year-old because I wasn’t sure what was in there. I assumed the store was only for people in their twenties. The day my friend brought me in there with her was the day I started shopping like crazy. I love the affordable fashion, but let me tell you about the jewelry. I always bought my jewelry from Claire’s and could buy maybe a necklace and one bracelet with around twenty five dollars. In Forever 21, there was jewelry that was as low as 1.80. Let me repeat 1.80! I never went back to Claire’s and got the chance to build a basic jewelry collection from Forever 21.

2. H&M– H&M is probably a “cousin store” of Forever 21. Oddly enough one of my cousin LOVES H&M. I never knew what she was talking about after all, there was nothing good I saw. I was somewhat right, but when I found the Divided collection, I fell in love. That’s what I’m talking about. These were the proper clothes for teens because they were fresh, trendy, and affordable. 

3. Zara– Speaking of cousins again, my older thirty-year-old cousin is obsessed with Zara. I looked at the store, and I feel like that would be the place I would shop at a more mature age. As I took more time to look around, I found some unique and fun affordable pieces! Zara is not typically affordable because some of their stuff can be around 60+ depending on what you’re buying, but the sale section is amazing! Just shop there and you’ll be fine. I even got shirts for five dollars!  

4. Anthropologie– My mom always dragged me here or J. Crew. I think she made a big mistake because now I love both of those stores. From the extravagant window displays to the pretty decor inside the store, I can’t help but love the store itself. The clothes are quite pricey to be honest but that’s where (*drum role please) the SALE SECTION comes in! Tons of affordable fashion in the sale section! Don’t trust me? Take a look for yourself. I think the more expensive items come, the lower they get in the end. 

5. J. Crew– I love the staples I can buy here. Lots of fancy and simple tops for a lot less in the sale section ;). 

I’d like to thank my family for turning me into a shopaholic.




Oh Backpacks

Who knew backpacks would be the new handbags?! Usually after middle school, girls ditch their backpacks for totes and later on designer handbags. Now, girls are sporting backpacks even in their twenties. What’s wrong with backpacks anyway? They make my bag seem so much lighter when I wear them on both shoulders (because I occasionally tend to be the backpack off the shoulder type of gal). What do you think of these?

Faux Leather



Metallic detailing always looks great on faux leather. This type of backpack is good for light travel or  the girl on the go. Personally I love Forever 21 for their affordable bags that are on trend.




Backpacks like these can be used to maybe carry a few things. One could easily go on a mini road trip and have everything they need in this bag. The backpack is easy to toss around and easy to carry.




Where my hipsters at? I always seem like this is a “hipster bag” or a classic one. It’s fun to see whether people leave their bags plain or decorate them up with studs, buttons, etc.


Designer (love Marc by Marc Jacobs backpacks)



I’ve seen a lot of girls sport this backpack at my school. I absolutely love the stitching and the quality of this backpack. If you can afford it and don’t mind splurging on a backpack, I recommend this one!







Bows, floral print, and heart stitching is everything a girly girl could ask for! I plan on getting this bag for school no matter what it takes (*evil grin). I actually plan on getting the black version only because I get things dirty fast, but the white backpack is very pretty. I’ve never been a huge fan of Betsey Johnson, but when I saw this, my eyes immediately gravitated toward this bag. (P.S. The one which I linked on Macy’s is cheaper than the one on the Betsey Johnson website!)

Which one is your favorite?
