Tag Archives: time

Time Management Issues: Procrastination at Its Finest

I seem to have TERRIBLE time management. Even when writing blog posts I seem to never have time because I always procrastinate and have time to do nothing. I heard that if you want something done, ask the busiest person you know. When I seem to have a lot more on my plate, I actually do complete it faster. My typical day (now as a senior) does not involve a lot of work (just a lot of studying). I’m good at finishing minimal work like worksheets because I do them during class or in, school but when I come it, hello Netflix. Oh Netflix. I consider it the best and worst invention in the world. All these beautiful shows and movies but … I have to do this and that. -_- I had these pink post-its on my assignment pad for a week now trying to write about the latest trend but I’m just so bad at managing my time that I leave it to midnight, and I’m to lazy to write. I don’t even get it though. My friend can get three hours of sleep and look fine (but grumpy) and I get seven hours and my face looks super puffy, and it looks like I got hit by a car…

Here are some tips I have (that I will use myself) to get things done:

  1. Make small lists– I have no idea about you but I like a lot of things. I have always been a fan of huge packets, and taking a lot of everything. The problem is, there is no way to finish all of it if you give yourself so much daily.
  2. Make a schedule- Set certain times where you do work and when you do other activities.
  3. NO EXCUSES– Don’t say you’ll do it later. Do it now.
  4. Give yourself small breaks– I love watching youtube videos after studying or doing homework (just try not to watch too many).
  5. Get priorities straight– Obviously school will always come first. It should for many high school students. That’s why my blog and other social media come second. Not that I don’t love blogging, but sometimes I just don’t have time.
  6. Sleep– I’m big on sleep. Another one of my friends pulled an all-nighter, (what) and she looked terrible. She couldn’t really focus in class because she was so tired. Ditch the caffeine and sleep. Just think tomorrow is another day. I will make the next one better.
  7. Stay away from distractions– Anything from electronics to people can be distracting when you are trying to study. I have a bad habit of chatting with my friends and then leaving them hanging for hours…
  8. Environment says it all- Find a place where you can work whether it’s the library or Starbucks, find a place where you will get things done.

I think that’s it for now. Please let me know anymore tips that you may have. Bye!
